How Much Does Childcare Cost Per Day in Australia?

Nowadays, enrolling your child in daycare is almost inevitable since the majority of us cannot afford the luxury of bringing them up on our own due to things like travel, work or study. Put simply, childcare is allowing someone else to help look after your baby before they are old enough to attend school. In Australia, you seek childcare service mostly before your child turns five or eight. There are several options through which you can have someone look after your child as you work, study or travel for business and other reasons. The most common options in Australia are: Nanny/babysitter: You can opt to hire someone fully (nanny) or partially (babysitter) to watch over your baby at home. This person attends to your child needs including their hygiene and feeding. Relative care: Here, you let your parent, partner, sibling or any other trusted relative watch over your child in your presence or when you leave to attend to matters away fro...